At various locations, enjoyable musical performances take place throughout the year. For instance, Jongerencentrum JVC De Schuit offers a diverse program for young people, Stichting Rock4Life organizes tribute and rock/pop events in De Peuk in Valkenburg, Muziekcentrum The Box comprises a wonderful live music café with a capacity for 150 guests, Café The Pocket has a pop podium, and TriPodia serves as the cultural center for concerts, parties, and theater events.

The multi-day festival Haringrock has been a household name in Katwijk since the 1980s. It provides a stage for local bands and musicians and has grown over the years into a widely recognized festival, extending far beyond the Bollenstreek region. The Noordzeezomerfestival offers a wide range of music styles and provides enjoyment for both young and old with various other activities. And of course, there are many more events throughout the year in Katwijk and its surroundings, so check out the event calendar (Uitagenda)!